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Tooth Colored Composite Fillings

In the past, teeth were filled with a mixture—or amalgam—of different metals. Today that is changing as more natural-looking and metal-free dental fillings are becoming the preferred approach. Dentists are using more tooth-like materials (composite resins and porcelains) that are both safe and predictable. The most important feature, for many people, is that the cavity filling look and react more like natural teeth. To mimic the natural dentin in the teeth, today’s dental composite resins are common in non-amalgam fillings. These composites are made of a plastic resin and silica filler. Metallic cavity fillings or amalgams could not bond with the tooth; they merely rested on it and provided a degree of protection. Today, so much more is known about the interface between dentin and enamel and the bond created between these two natural products. This has led science to discover new ways of bonding fillings to teeth to create a stronger, more protected connection and also more comfortable dental fillings. Restoring teeth—or literally rebuilding them successfully—depends on a good bond between resin materials and both the enamel and dentin. Restorative dentistry recreates a tooth that not only looks natural but responds naturally too, allowing bite stress to pass through the tooth while receiving biting force. Today, dentistry uses nature as a guide by constantly looking for materials that more closely mimic teeth in form and function. It is a combination of art and science that takes into account the action of the tooth being restored and its internal shape. A tooth, or portion of a tooth, is then recreated using materials that respond as a healthy tooth would.

Immediate Dentin Sealing– Immediate dentin sealing uses a resin coating to seal and protect the dentin surface from bacteria and sensitivity. It also creates a hybrid layer to which composite resin can be bonded for shaping into a tooth structure.

Direct fillings require small amounts of restorative materials being placed into cavities resulting from decay. The resin is applied in layers which are instantly set with special lights, meaning the entire filling can be built up and repaired by the time you leave the office.

Porcelain veneers consist of a compilation of several thin ceramic

Before and After results of teeth whitening at Family Dentistry and Orthodontics in Montebello; She is smiling and very happy with her beautiful white new smile

As we age, our adult teeth often become darker, yellower, or stained. This is partly why white teeth make people appear more youthful. In addition to the aging process, drinking coffee, tea, soda, red wine, and smoking could result in discoloration and darkening of the teeth. There are various ways to whiten your teeth. Zoom Professional Teeth Whitening is easy and safe, and it is a method used globally to remove discoloration from enamel and dentin. You can achieve a whiter smile and confidence for years to come for a fraction of the cost of a new smartphone.

Professional tooth whitening in a dental office provides very effective and fast results.  Even though strong agents are applied, the rest of the mouth, including the gums, is protected from these materials. The Zoom professional teeth whitening procedure employs a chairside lamp to activate the hydrogen peroxide gel to break down the stains from the surface of the teeth and from within the enamel and dentin, while leaving the tooth structure unaffected.

Professional Zoom Teeth Whitening; happy patient with confident beautiful smile; all done at by the best dentist in Montebello

What to Expect on Your Visit

On your visit, Dr. Hakham will complete a visual examination of your teeth and gums and discuss your dietary and oral hygiene habits to ensure you are a candidate for professional in office teeth whitening. In general, a teeth cleaning is recommended prior to whitening your teeth to remove any plaque, tartar, calculus, or hard stains present on your teeth. Once you and Dr. Hakham have agreed that you would benefit from Zoom Teeth Whitening, your lips and gums will be covered in preparation for the procedure. The hydrogen peroxide whitening gel will then be applied to your teeth, and the Zoom light will be initiated. The activated whitening gel will penetrate the teeth to break up the stains and discoloration. This cycle will be active for 15 minutes, while you relax, watch TV, or listen to music. The cycle is repeated for a total of three times.

Some sensitivity is expected during and after the procedure. Patients with sensitive teeth, a strong gag reflex, or anxiety may find it challenging to complete the three sessions. Use of anti-sensitivity toothpaste is recommended prior and following the whitening appointment to reduce the symptoms. This sensitivity will dissipate. Dr. Hakham will provide you with specific instructions to help reduce the sensitivity.

Patient having Professional Zoom Teeth Whitening at Best Dentist Office in Montebello

Aftercare and Post Operative Instructions

Your teeth are slightly dehydrated after the whitening procedure and can absorb the color of any food or drink you consume. The rehydration of the teeth takes about 3 to 7 day. To help maintain the results of the Zoom Teeth Whitening, we advise you to avoid any foods or beverages that could potentially stain your teeth. These include tea, coffee, red wine, soda, blueberry, strawberry, etc. In addition, smoking may stain your teeth after whitening and is not recommended. Continue a proper Oral Hygiene Routine, including regular brushing and flossing, and keep up with your regularly scheduled teeth cleaning appointments to maintain your white pearly smile.

Let us know if you have any questions or comments about the information provided here and make sure to Call us or visit the Book Online Page to schedule your Professional ZOOM Teeth Whitning Appointment. You deserve a healthy beautiful smile!

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