Gerry R.

He cares and provides a top notch service. Both Diane and Stella rock.

Well this was my first visit to David Hakham and all I can really say is: Let me start from the beginning. I was referred by a current patient of his. A longtime friend, well ex-girlfriend to be exact. She was so adamant that I go see David. I was a bit on the fence. She is an ex so how much could I reeeaaallllly trust her? After a long 60 seconds I made an appointment via telephone. I called at 5:30 pm, when they close, and they answered. Very pleasant and helpful. I felt bad afterwards for calling at closing. The appointment was set for 6/8/18 @ 11:30 am. The day prior to the service date, I received a call confirming our appointment (always appreciated) and during this time it was mentioned that they had an earlier appointment for 8:30 am. This worked out perfect, so I accepted. On the morning of I woke up 30 mins prior to my appointment, so I had to cut my morning beauty regimen to only 15 min if I wanted to be on time. I walked in at 8:37 am and they didn't even yell at me cause I was late. As a matter of fact Stella pleasantly greeted me by name. I had about 30 min of paperwork to fill out which I completed in 10 min. Before I knew it, I was off to races. Dr. Hakham introduced himself then left me in the care of Diane. She is very positive and full of good energy. We talked and talked and talked, and before I knew it all the preliminary services were done. Dr. Hakham came back and explained in detail what he saw. Unfortunately I had a cracked tooth in the back that needed some attention. The situation and solutions were thoroughly explained. I felt good with his view and suggestions. More work was done to assess the damaged. There was numbing, grinding and patching while we jammed to some flamenco, salsa and pop musicians from Arles and Montepellier in the south of France. Have the Dr. Tell you about it. When all was said and done, I was back with Stella, who likes Stella wine BTW. I had some insurance and out-of-pocket questions that she answered. Then we went on to sync up our calendars and schedule additional work. In summary, Dr David Hakham is knowledgeable and very detailed. He cares and provides a top notch service. Both Diane and Stella rock. They are full of great energy and fun to be around. I have nothing but positive things to say about my experience. Thank you C for the recommendation :) For all the others reading this post, let's get to the most important answer that you are looking for... Well, it didn't hurt one bit! Just go see him and tell them that Gerry Ruiz sent you. I will split the $25 referral bonus with you. Promise